garments which is affordable in 50 of the prom

Good Morning Ladies! As promised, below are details for the upcoming No Flesh Fast this week:

Dates and times: we will begin the No Flesh Fast on Tuesday, July 25 at 7:30am with prayer via phone call at 712-775-7031 code: 322067485 and will end the fast at 7am with prayer during Friday Focus via FaceBook Live on Friday July 28. garments which is affordable in 50 of the prom

Purpose: Fasting to overcome our fleshly desires that keep us from drawing closer to Him; an exercise in consecration.


What we're fasting from: no meat, no social media/tv and no negativity

Instructions: when we fast remember to safeguard yourself and

1. Avoid Display (Matthew 6:16-18)
2. Remember God (Zecheriah 7:5-7)
3. Chasten the Soul (Psalm 69:10)
4. Humble the Soul (Psalm 35:13)
5. Consider the True Meaning of Fasting (Isaiah 58:1-14)

For those of you who would like to have a more structured plan for eating, please go to for the Daniel Fast food list.

See More
Daniel Fast Recipes, Daniel Fast Food List, Daniel Diet | Ultimate Daniel Fast Daniel Fast recipes, food lists, guidelines for Christians fasting and dieting to develop a closer relationship with the Lord through fasting and