greek styled items to wear of the prom

Increase Sperm Count Naturally~

You can eat proper food to increase sperm count and improve its motility or boost its production. Some of these foods include--

>Vitamin-A-rich foods such as oatmeal, dried apricots, red peppers. Eating broccoli, sweet potatoes, dark green lettuce, dairy products, and spinach are known to increase the vitality of sperms.

>Eat natural food to increase sperm count especially those that are high in protein such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

>You should also eat foods that are high in folic acid such as avocados and dark green fruits.

>You can also take folic acid supplement to increase your sperms health.

>Drink plenty of water and skip on alcohol and coffee.

> Quit smoking and avoid fatty or greasy food.

>To improve the blood flow to your genitals, increase your intake on food that contains essential omega 3 fatty acids. Foods that are high in omega 3 are sardines, crab, flax, salmon, shrimp, chicken, walnuts, arugula, and anchovies. greek styled items to wear of the prom

>You should also eat foods that are rich in vitamins to increase sperm count such as strawberries, citrus fruits, cooked tomatoes, yellow fruits and vegetables, asparagus, snow peas, and other foods that are high in vitamin C and A.

>L-arginine (found in nuts, sesame seeds, eggs, and meat) is also highly regarded as a sperm enhancer.

>antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium also improve sperm's speed and concentration.


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